Conspiracy Theorists


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The charge, “conspiracy theory,” is used to prevent investigation.

Conspiracies are real. There are many more of them than people are aware. Many government conspiracies are heavily documented by governments themselves with the official records demonstrating the conspiracies openly available to the public.

Dwight D. Eisenhower was a five-star general in charge of the Normandy Invasion and a popular two-term President of the United States. Today he would be called a “conspiracy theorist.”

Eisenhower’s sucessor, John F. Kennedy, realized that the military-security complex was a threat, but he underestimated the threat and paid for it with his life when he stood up to the military-security complex. In stating this fact I have joined Eisenhower as a conspiracy theorist.

There have been so many false flag “terrorist attacks” in the 21st century that there are now thousands of experts labeled as “conspiracy theorist.” For example, the 9/11 Truth Movement consists of thousands of high rise architects, structural engineers, demolition experts, nano-chemists, physicists, firefighters and first responders, civilian and military pilots, and former high government officials. Collectively these experts represent far more knowledge and experience than the 9/11 Commission.

Ask yourself, why are those trying to preserve liberty denounced?

What incentive does contributor A.K. Dewdney, Professor Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario, author of ten books about science and mathematics, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Philip Giraldi, former CIA case officer and Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Anthony Hall, Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, whose latest book has been endorsed by the American Library Association as “a scholarly tour de force,” have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Mujahid Kamran, Vice Chancellor of Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan, a Fulbright Scholar and recipient of numerous awards, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Stephen Lendman, syndicated columnist and host on the Progressive Radio News Hour, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does James Petras, Bartle Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Alain Soral, one of France’s public intellectuals, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Robert David Steele, former CIA Clandestine Services Officer, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

The neocons’ whores in the Western media who call these people “conspiracy theorists” are so stupid and unintelligent as to be unqualified to express any opinion.

Dear Western Peoples, if you wish to be able to walk down the streets of your cities without being accosted by police, demanded to present identity papers, searched, detained indefinitely or assassinated without due process of law, if you wish to be able to express your opinion about “your” government and its use of your tax payments, if you wish to be able to discuss current affairs or your personal affairs without being recorded by the NSA or the equivalent in your own country or by both, if you wish to be able to act on your moral conscience and to protest the violence the West applies to Muslims and others unfavored by powerful Western interests, such as Palestinians, if you wish to live in the freedom that was achieved in the West after centuries of struggle, wake up, find time from less meaningful pursuits to become aware of what is being stolen from you. It is late in the game. If you do not stand up for truth, you will have no freedom as there is no freedom without truth.
Well as with most things rights which are "free" are easily given up. Something else to mention is the Palestinians no one really wants them in their country. Jordan/Lebanon both have a large displaced population where they live in camps where tensions run just as high as in Israel some days. Planning for eventualities or scenarios doesn't really equate to going out and doing an act against your populace.

I can recall reading a summary of an account of Alexander the Great's time in Bactria and reading it basically it nearly sounded like Alexander had fought monsters, upon looking at the account for myself I quickly realized that it was just a primitive group of men.

Something else to keep in mind is that generally a commission can have experts in the field, evidence rarely lies I tend to do quite a bit of computer security work, and I can tell you now that if two analysts are looking at the same information and drawing a different conclusion something is very wrong. You let the evidence speak for itself not try to tailor the evidence to support your idea.

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“the New York Times’ reporter, Judith Miller, during the winter of 2001 and throughout 2002, produced a series of stunning stories about Saddam Hussein’s ambition and capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction—almost all of which have turned out to be stunningly inaccurate.”
Shoutout to dilla

I'm bringing this thread back from the dead.

I've been told the phrase "conspiracy theory" was created by the CIA to discredit the dissent from speaking out about how the conclusion of the Warren Report and its findings in the JFK assassination investigation was complete fraud. It continues to this day with 911 and C19. I think the phrase is being replaced with phrases like "misinformation" etc.

Conspiracy Theory is still being used by the legacy media. Now it's complete fucking bullshit like "Taylor Swift Theory" "Baltimore Bridge Theory" ... what was the latest one? Oh yeah - "Conspiracy Theorists are coming up with wacky ideas about the solar eclipse" --- We don't trust these fools like we didn't trust the Church when they told us Earth was the center of the universe !!

So, every time the CIA mockingbird media misuses their own fucking phrase - I'm going to call it out in this thread so we can laugh the demons away!

Joe Biden Turns Trump's Biggest Conspiracy Theory Against Him In Scathing New Video

The real conspiracy theory would be the Obama regime's policy of fabricated intelligence and years of lies they spewed about how American democracy was influenced by foreign agents.

That's the real conspiracy - that elections are manipulated in various ways. They tell us Russian stole it one year and the next year it's the most secure election in history of the nation! That's the conspiracy fact. They lie, lie, lie.

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