What's there to discuss? It's a temporary situation. I don't think he'll manage to do much damage over his 4 years and abroad he's seen as "well, you owe us one for making us deal with this dude for 4 years". He's mostly active on twitter from what I've heard. I hope more good will come out of it and there will be actually a good candidate again for you guys to vote for, as listing Hilary was kind of like pretending too hard to be retarded at special Olympics, "because we'll win anyway".
I'm surprised you guys didn't vote for the Jill Stein chick. She would make the smartest president. I watched a couple of interviews as her ideas seemed really interesting, making the country into a green powerhouse while keeping Obama-style left-ish policies and pulling out of the good old American warmongering. Has to happen sooner or later, and for your economy and wellbeing it's better to be ahead of the game, especially while you still have the resources to do so. I understand that it's hard to appeal to the masses who see things through their current everyday reality, briefly watch the news, think politics is a sports game between two teams of everyday administrators and who unfortunately also have to vote for you.
Otherwise if it's about my personal thoughts, being European, America became a super unappealing country to be in. I can't imagine living in a country where you have to pay someone to save your life, or to get educated (the whole purpose of which is actually giving back your skilled time to the society for the rest of your life). You can't just apply capitalism to everything unless living in Mad Max seems appealing to you. It's a temporary economic system that was meant to work during the last few golden centuries heavily prioritizing industrial growth, America benefited from it, largely because there was the most to expand and skilled people were lured there back in the golden years, but there are more and more areas that we should be prioritizing that do not fit in its limited scope.
Trump is the materialization of the limiting thinking that our whole world can be described through the current economic system and being best at it means we are the most successful, imposing the even more limited thinking of "us vs. them", when the concept of borders should be less and less relevant and we should be entering the era of unified humanity, solving human problems.
Living on different continents, it's funny to observe how much gets lost in the cultural translation, and how heavily the cultures bias and limit the ability of people to solve the problems they are facing (or will be facing soon). It suddenly makes people limited in a self-imposed bubble that makes logical solutions to problems we have all means to solve not viable for some reasons.
It makes you think that you just crossed an artificial border on our neat little planet and nothing changed except everyone suddenly suffers from a different kind of crazy, suffering from issues that were non-existent just hours ago when you were somewhere else, and suddenly people are dying because of something stupid, or wasting their lives to pursue and make money off something that serves no purpose in the long run, or even takes us back.
An extreme Muslim kills a doctor for smoking a cigarette during Ramadan. America uses its golden era that enables them to lead a progression into sustainability (or space colonization or you name it) to obtain more oil (that we should be conserving) and bomb some poor souls to cause some turmoil instead, or charge people for education and healthcare to make it harder for them to do something better than that. People vote for someone they don't agree with to lead them in the future believing the only choice is the second person that they don't agree with more. They see the neighbor who really deep inside has exactly the same needs, hopes and wishes, but maybe different problems as his arch enemy based on things completely irrelevant to reality.
All of those are stupid and counterproductive, yet they make sense to so many people who accept that as their reality. Just think how stupid it will look in the history books, if we persevere.
It's about time we open up to rationale, instead of building artificial walls. My biggest issue with Trump is that his thinking not only doesn't go that far, but takes us back away from that direction. That threatens human progress, which is a shame considering that America built up the resources and temporary following strong enough that a single person leading their country would be otherwise perfectly capable of leading the world forward to better humanity with higher odds of survival as a species, choosing for its golden age to implode instead.