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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Can a MacBook handle dmc5?
I don't know about the MacBook, but I have a Pro with a Radeon 555, which should handle it on its own. But I also have an external GPU and that most definitely would. Not sure at what settings but the RX 580 is no slouch, either. Even if there is some bottlenecking.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah, that's gonna be good, too. People with Macs haven't been able to play the original WC3 for a few years now because macOS no longer support PPC games, or something like that. There might be a workaround but for the most part, it can't be done.

I installed Boot Camp and got DMC5 running. Looks amazing and runs well but I never got a gamepad and this game definitely needs one.

I tried the free game, Apex Legends, and it looks fun, but I think I'll need a gamepad for that too. I always heard that FPS were always better on a computer and with a keyboard but I can't do it. I played Halo 3 and COD for years with an Xbox controller and I am used to that; I can't do this keyboard shit lol.

And Forza 6 was apparently free on the Microsoft Store so I got that. But that too is retarded when played with a keyboard and not a controller.


Well-Known Member
final fantasy 7 remake
warcraft 3 remake
gta 6 (nothing's been announced, don't get excited)
diablo 4
super mario maker 2


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Just a heads up, Sega has a sale on Steam for almost all of it's titles. There's a Dreamcast collection too. They seem to be under $2 at least for Crazy Taxi and Nights in to dreams.


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ZOMG got so hooked into the Yakuza games. Play Yakuza 0!

I don't remember the last time I was so hyped about any other game after just a few hours in, and now that they are releasing remakes in chronological order on PC/Steam it's like the longest gang drama series in video game form filled with awesomeness. It's such a strong series that used to be exclusive to Sony consoles that I can't believe I didn't know I was missing out on so much. I watched the trailers back in the day and thought it's a beat-em-up, but it's nothing like that - it's actually an open-world game with really cool story filled with incredible amounts of stuff to do.. and there's a new game coming out almost every year.

They sometimes can't be bothered with character animations in dialogues due to the amount of content they produce this frequently so seeing some "imperfect" dialogue animations where the characters didn't even move their lips at first I was like "wtf". Then seeing how after every chapter you unlock things that offer dozens of hours of fun as "side-stories' is incredible. You're more than halfway in and you suddenly unlock a completely new city, new character together with his whole story worth at least a whole separate game, then a completely new game mechanic of really sophisticated brothel management with advanced stories for each of the hoes in it and all - easily 20 hours of gameplay on its own, then real estate business (where you can hire a chicken as your manager), it's really unlike anything else. The scale is incredible and seeing how its lowest rating out of any review on the internet is 8.5/10, and seeing all the incredible user reviews, it's surprising there isn't more hype around it. It's hilarious too.

Shenmue 1 and 2 on sale for another day or two. I know a lot of you liked the game. Had it for Dreamcast way back when.
Have them already, waiting for 3 which I (heavily) sponsored on Kickstarter to launch later this year.
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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
So E3 brought more and more news on the FF7 remake. A new trailer too, which I just remembered I have yet to see and only saw the headline mentioning it.

Looks like they'll be toying with the battle system too and it might not be the traditional turn based system of FFs of the past.

I haven't played a FF since X-2 but I do remember people mentioning how 12 and onward releases had made some changes that took some getting used to.

Funny enough, I feel like the FF series got much less hype after FF10.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I loved what I played from 3 or 4 to X-2. Never played the rest because I felt the hype kind of died down after X but maybe it was me who just lost interest and preferred simple, online multiplayer games. 12 and 13 was around the time I went off to college and bought a 360 and played Halo 3 with friends a ton and then moved on to COD (MW2, Blops1/2, etc.).

But I loved the stories and the characters and the music. They were always well-done games, the ones I played. Then they started going in to MMORPGs with 11 and I think that also made things worse.


Staff member
I'm really looking forward to the upcoming Avengers game by Square Enix. The Spiderman game for the PS4 from last year is easily in my top 20 games of all time.

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